Welcome to my website!

I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at Brown University. 

In 2022-2023 I was a post-doc at Princeton University. I received my PhD from Toulouse School of Economics. 

You can find my CV here.

Research areas: Macroeconomics, Inequality and Redistribution, Entrepreneurship, and Trade.

Contact: alexandre_gaillard[at]brown.edu

Working Papers

Consumption, Wealth, and Income Inequality: A Tale of Tails, with C. Hellwig, P. Wangner, and N. Werquin

October 2023; Revise and Resubmit at the Quarterly Journal of Economics

Trade, Value Added, and Productivity Linkages: A Quantitative Analysis, with F. de Soyres   [Appendix]

May 2024; Revise and Resubmit at the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics

Unemployment Insurance Generosity and Self-Employment, with S. Kankanamge   [SSRN][Appendix]

July 2024; This paper supersedes our earlier working paper: “Gross Labor Market Flows, Self-Employment, and Unemployment Insurance”.

Inequality, Business Cycles, and Growth: A Unified Approach to Stabilization Policies, with P. Wangner    [Appendix]

December 2022 -- New version coming soon!

Wealth, Returns, and Taxation: A Tale of Two Dependencies, with P. Wangner   [Appendix] [NBER SI slides]

August 2022 -- New version coming soon!

Published and Accepted Papers

From Unemployment to Self-Employment: An Evaluation of the SEA Programs, with S. Kankanamge [WP] [Appendix]

Journal of Labor Economics, Accepted in August 2024; Forthcoming.

Supply Disruptions and Fiscal Stimulus: Transmission through Global Value Chains, with F. De Soyres, A. M. Santacreu, D. Moore

AEA: Papers and Proceedings, May 2024

Global Trade and GDP Comovement, with F. de Soyres

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, May 2022

Older Working Papers in Revision

Buying and Selling Business Assets, with S. Kankanamge

June 2020

Work In Progress

What is Measured in National Accounts? with F. de Soyres and H. Young